This is kind of a random thread, but I realized today that it has been roughly 6 months since I started my current course of medication and my Bipolar has been stable. It might not seem like much, but as I look back, I cannot believe how much my life has changed.
6 months I tried to medically withdraw from a course due to mental health struggles, got denied, withdrew anyway, and had to pay $600. I was doing my first political internship after changing my major and was convinced I was failing at it and was once again on the wrong path.
I didn't have too much hope with the change, I had been through dozens of medications at this point, and they all either didn't work at all, or wore off after a very short period of time. A few weeks went by, and I started to slowly notice a change.
It's hard to describe the feeling of going from a mood episode to stability. The world makes sense again. Dreams are worth pursuing. I have no doubt that my psychiatrist either saved my life or at least my quality of it.
This thread is not to say that medication is magic, or the only or absolute avenue one should pursue, as everyone is unique. I also have therapy and a wonderful support system. Instead, I'm trying to convey just how debilitating this illness can be when it has ahold of you.
I feel like a new person now, and I am grateful every day. It's also scary, because if you have Bipolar you know that when you feel good, you feel like you're running on stolen time. I am so grateful for the opportunities I have been afforded both professionally and personally.
It's hard sometimes to not take things one day at a time, but if I could impart any wisdom at all, it would be to take every day you are healthy as a gift. Especially in these trying times, reach out, be there for each other, and know you're not alone.
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