so i wanna talk abt this phobia i just found out i have while i was talking to Fin earlier. Its called submechanophobia and its the fear of man made objects fully/semi submerged in water!
I didnt know this was an actual phobia and i just thought i was just very uncomfortable about the dinosaurs at the Jurassic Park Ride in Universal Studios at Orlando! Or some of the animatronics in Walt Disney World that are in water!
Its important to say i am a little scared of SOME animatronics (bc some of them are very tall and i just feel very insecure around them) but i found them fascinating as hell and i love watching videos about their mechanism, but watching videos about-
How they made some animatronics work underwater (eg: The shark from Jaws Boat Ride from Universal) i felt very uneasy, like what if i fell and get trapped in the mechanism of this shark. In the Jurassic Park ride there’s a dino that comes out and squirts water at you-
And i didnt really enjoy that as much as the people in the boat with me that day, i was very uncomfortable and hoping that thing didnt move closer to us. (Btw i wasnt afraid of the raptors trying to kill you or the huge dinos at the start, so technically, it wasnt the dino).
Today as i watched more videos abt animatronics, they showed footage of statues underwater and a large Moby Dick animatronic that was, you guessed it, in water. And i did not like that, i could feel the chills running up my spine. But i kept watching.
After that they showed a dark ride about pirates where a large monster shows up from the deep water to scare you, and the person in the video mentioned submechanophobia. I told fin about this bc i didnt know it was an actual thing.
Fin then mentioned something about a rabbit animatronic in a bathtub and i instantly knew what he was talking about bc i remember wstching a video abt a ride about Brer Rabbit and a rap party or something, and when i saw him in the bathtub i just felt so uncomfortable and unsafe.
These are the pictures of that rabbit thing. Brrr... the water is literally dark bc supposedly the animatronic is not supposed to be there, and the fur is not made to be on water, so its clogged there and ... yeah it stinks.
Anyway! I will delete this thread later, just wanted to talk about it since im hoping more people here understand this irrational fear of mine XDDD
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