Friday night thought: in many households we never dealt with the unequal gender division of labor - we just outsourced the inequality (largely to other women)
Cleaning disproportionately falls on women? Hire a cleaning woman.
Childcare falls on women? Hire a nanny/pay for daycare (largely staffed by women)
But now our ability to outsource domestic labor has gone away and we’re left with the fact that we never dealt with the fundamental inequity in domestic labor - we just paid for it to go away
(This is of course leaving out all the pay issues for this type of domestic work etc which @LipstickEcon is about to jump into this thread and (correctly) start yelling about)
Anyway we decided to just make this type of domestic work which we’ve always undervalued invisible in a different way - by paying people whose labor we often undervalued to do it - and now it’s hitting us in the face
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