Did anybody else’s classroom sort of go completely nuts at the height of the beyblade craze? People would talk about how they used dranzer to heat up their bath water and use drazeel when there was a power cut. One friend was trying to recruit people to pull off a heist
Claiming some organization from the show had asked him to gather a strong team, and they would pay us to go to Russia to steal a mythical bit chip using only beyblades
For some reason, even though the Pokémon and dbz crazes were probably much bigger I feel like people didn’t just lose touch with reality the way they did with beyblades
Like we’d play fight with dbz moves but with beyblades, it was like a mass hallucination of some sort. Everybody just took everything everyone said at face value because they seemed to believe their own beyblade related fantasies were real
There was one child who would get bullied by another for being a nerd, and once they’d apparently met at the former’s house to play with their beyblade when they came to school the next day, the bully was raving about how the nerd’s beyblade was so powerful that the
Walls of his house got charred in the battle
What the fuck. Only my school???
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