We notice when things change. The last 2 weeks as we watched the flights of #ICEAir, we noticed something different happening. New flights from near the border, to Mexico City.
What are these flights? They are expulsions of Mexican nationals. Not deportations. A deportation requires a procedure that involves @ICEgov custody. But these folks are never in ICE custody. 2/7
They are just like immediate expulsions at border that are being carried out under orders of the @CDCgov that pretend that we are being invaded by carriers of #COVIDー19. I say pretend because our gov has been wanting to do this all along-... 3/7
...to hell with all the legal pretense, just go back where you came from. It turns out pushing these folks back into Mexico right near the border has its problems. Like people turning around & trying again. When you are on the run from poverty & violence, you are persistent. 4/7
So, the flights to Mexico City, where do they come in? First, it takes a lot longer to get back to the northern border if you dump them in the Mexican interior into one of the largest cities on earth. But, perhaps there is a bonus, a gruesome one. again.5/7
We are very wrapped up in our own #Covid crisis here. So wrapped up we may not be noticing that a crisis of perhaps even greater proportions is happening right now-is on its brutal upswing in Mexico, especially in the capital. 6/7
The hospitals are full & breaking down before the tidal wave of grief & death coming their way.

So when you send refugees to Mexico City, you sweep them into the s torm about to break. And maybe, just maybe, you never see them. #WitnessAtTheBorder #DontLookAeay 7/7
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