Yemen 🧵
This thread is done to show you all the history and beauty of Yemen which is often forgotten, please do keep Yemen in your prayers❤️
Mentioned in 3 holy books:
The Torah called it Ayaman
The Bible called it Cush
The Quran called it Saba
The romans called it the ‘Happy Felix’ as the high mountains would attract rain making it more fertile than most of the Arabian Peninsula
Ancient greek geographer ‘Ptolemy’ described Yemen as Eudaimon Arabia which translates to Arabia Felix
Yemen still has remains for the Queen of Sheba’s throne and her kingdom was known to be very advanced and knowledgable
Yemen has the first dam in the world called Marib Dam
Yemenis are precise enigneers which is shown by how they buit houses on rocks and hills for security reasons & protection from floods
Two Yemeni tribes were the first to support the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) in the early days of Islam
A city in Yemen called Aden was known as the ‘eye of Yemen’ a natural port of call on the Red sea route to the East & an outlet for the fertile Yemen Mountains
Napoleon’s army landed in Egypt in 1798 so the British looked for a nearby mainland for base so they chose Aden
It was chosen as it was an area off the coast & one of the finest harbours between London & Bombay & served as a perfect coaling station for the East Indias first 19th century steamships
At one point aden was known to be the worlds 3rd busiest port after New York & Liverpool
Yemen gained independence from the British in 1967
Yemeni sailors assisted Britain in the first and second World War where unfortunately many lost their lives which is often forgotten
There are 962 world heritage sites in the world and 4 of that are found in Yemen
They are: Old city of Sanaa, Shibam Hadramount, historic town of Zabid & Socortra Island
Oldest city in the world - first city to be built after the flood
Built by Sam, Noah’s son (pbut)
Famous for its narrow alleys & decorated windows & thousands of mud-brick buildings
Shibam Hadramount:
Over 100 mosques & 6000 buildings that were built before the 11th century
Known to have the oldest skyscrapers in the world, often referred to as the ‘Manhattan of Desert’
Most visited tourist site in Yemen
‘City of Knowledge and Scholars’
Famous for beautiful castle & narrow streets & outstanding visual views
Helped spread islam and students from all over the world come here to learn more of its history, islam, science, medicine and maths
Socotra Island:
‘Virgin Island’
Famous for white beaches, rare trees & animals
‘Dragon Blood Tree’ - famous for being one of the oldest trees in the world
‘Brother Blood Tree’ - lies in this island and an ancient legend states the blood of Habel (Abel) grows in the roots
Rock Palace:
Built in 7000BC & reconstructed in 18th century
Outside the palace theres a tree called ‘Al-Ghareeb’ which is over 1000 years old
Bridge of Shaharah:
‘Bridge of signs’
Built in 17th century
2600 metres above sea level, 20 metres long & 3 metres wide
Connects 2 mountains - Jabal Al Emir & Jabal Al Faish
But now Yemen is suffering greatly and needs our help
Yemen is facing the largest humanitarian crisis in the world
Over 12 million children are in danger
80% of the population are in need of humanitarian aid & protection
85,000 babies & toddlers starved to death
Hundreds of thousands are malnourished and needed help to survive
With the outbreak of coronavirus things are worsening and they do not have the proper facilities to care for all the sick
If you are able please donate to Yemen & please keep our brothers & sisters in your prayers
You can follow @haifa_alky.
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