Here's the thing. Brocalists call me a moderate, but I'm not. I'm an old fashioned Liberal.

I like Medicare for All, but I'm not willing to burn down the ACA to get it.

I like the idea of the Green New Deal, but I'd like it better if it was crafted into actual legislation.1/8
Yes, to me, beating Trump is the single most important thing to do this year, or any year, and if you don't get that, I gotta wonder about you. 2/8
Yes, I want a Black Woman as VP (specifically @KamalaHarris) and as disappointed as I'll be if Biden doesn't pick her (BTW, I think he's going to pick her), I'm still voting for him know...Trump.3/8
Yes, I'm sorry, but I have serious problems not only with Tara Reade's story but the people who are STILL trying to prop her up. I don't know what the hell happened to @ryangrim but working for the Intercept does things to people.4/8
Yes, maybe Joe Biden shouldn't have said what he said...

...but I'll say it.

If you can't make a distinction between Biden and Trump, maybe YOU'RE NOT BLACK.5/8
I don't like 3/4ths of the Squad. (Only @RepPressley has my heart). I don't want to see them lose their seats (since they represent the will of their very blue districts) but I'm not going to lose sleep if they lose.6/8
I'm not a big fan of some of these ACTUAL moderate to conservative Democrats, with the Squad....THEY REPRESENT THE WILL OF THEIR DISTRICTS WELL, and the idea of trying to push a more Liberal Rep into these conservative districts is asinine.7/8
And yes, I'd prefer to watch @MSNBC on a regular daily basis, but some changes made in the last few weeks have made that impossible.

And I don't mean losing Chris Matthews, I mean propping up Chuck Todd. 8/8
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