Now that I'm an editor (albeit a new one), I'm gonna say something I needed to hear when I was a freelance writer just starting out...
If you've sent me a pitch and I haven't gotten back to you about it yet, it's very likely that it isn't the right fit for us for any number of reasons, and I'm struggling to figure out a way to sensitively articulate that in a reply (or just find the time to do it altogether!)
But it's not a reflection on you as a person or even on your writing or your story, necessarily. As a freelance writer, I know that no reply almost feels worse than getting a rejection, and I've gotten my share of no replies. And rejections.
It's hard to put yourself out there and not get any feedback. This is something I'm working on getting better at as an editor, but in the meantime, please don't let it discourage you from writing.
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