2. Translation, this study wasn’t a controlled blind test, which it should be in order to be credible as a randomized clinical trial. Thus, a huge problem here is the “baseline characteristics among the groups analyzed were dissimilar”, resulting in bias. It just analyzes the end
3. result ie the percentage of the patients administered HCQ who died for eg. There is a serious flaw here bcos these data were taken frm a hospital setting where doctors are working hard to save lives. Hence, the patients that ended up in this study who were administered HCQ
4. were the patients who were more seriously ill. The control group that the doctors did not administer HCQ were the patients with mild cases (otherwise the drs would be guilty of malpractice due to not providing medication for the patient n till now HCQ has been recommended as
5. as one of three drugs with a promising profile against the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that causes COVID-19. 👇🏻 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924857920300881 n 👇🏻 https://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/laninf/PIIS1473-3099(20)30296-6.pdf
6. To recap, as u can see below, the patients that were administered the HCQ were the ones who had higher percentages of Comorbidities in 6 categories (seriously ill cases) as opposed to the control group who had higher percentages of Comorbidities in only 3 categories (mild
7. cases). Thus, it is not surprising that the grp that is administered HCQ (seriously ill) were associated with an increased risk of in-hospital mortality as they were more sick right frm the beginning. In fact, there would be more deaths if the seriously ill group was not given
8. HCQ right frm the start. As you can see frm the table below, administering HCQ early or as a prophylactic can keep your Deaths/million low. For eg India’s Deaths/miln is 2.0 (India is one of the largest producer of HCQ) whereas the US’s Deaths/miln is 278. This is a shame bcos
9. lives matter and every one life is precious 😢. Also, it is not surprising that the group that was administered HCQ had an increased risk of arrhythmia during hospitalisation as this group consists of seriously ill patients who were more pre-disposed to Comorbities such as
10. Coronary Artery Disease, Congestive Heart Failure n COPD, all of which can contribute towards arrhythmia. Bear in mind, HCQ is milder n can be used in high doses for long periods with very good tolerance. So, especially for prophylactic use, best stick with HCQ. Some suggest
11. adding zinc but I would need to research further on that. #AmericansWakeUp There is something wrong here if you as a first world nation has 77 times more Deaths/miln than my country, Malaysia, a developing country (population 32 miln, deaths 115, Deaths/miln 115/32 = 3.6)⚠️‼️
Below this are threads that shows clearly that if the US had used Hydroxychloroquine as POTUS TRUMP advised, your death toll frm Covid-19 will be 80,000 lower (n counting as long as you don’t use this good remedy soon). Do the right thing! Patriots RT to save lives n #TRUMP2020 https://twitter.com/shalomegrace1/status/1263159340086652929
This👇🏻to argue against the lamestream touting the latest “study” against HCQ. Learn that as the study was based on “retrospective” data, it doesn’t make sense since those who were given HCQ by their doctors must have been the seriously ill n HCQ actually saved them. #HCQSaves. https://twitter.com/shalomegrace1/status/1263958183585869824
You can follow @shalomegrace1.
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