Warning: answers to this will be drawn from ALL projects and areas of interest.
My oldest OC is Alias. He was created in November of 1994 during school hours in lieu of classwork. Some 1,200 pages of development notes followed - very little of it was used, though that period of time laid the basis for Heirotus.
My newest OC - going by characters with *names* here, the Mushroom folk are newer but unnamed to date - is Rachel, a trans feminine catgirl I created in response to reddit over-exposure. This is the first I've said her name, though it's been bouncing around in my head for awhile!
My favorite OC has varied a lot over time. For where my head is at right now, Rachel is a clear winner.
Favorite OC *Design?* For awhile I fancied design as kind of my *thing,* albeit not in the traditional sense. Penny is an old favorite, the Forest Witch is a new favorite, Jason Whitehouse is deliciously simple, and I just love the Mushroom Witch.
Main reason for making OCs: Uhm.... I grew up almost entirely pre-web. I got most of my entertainment out of books. Any art that came out of my head pretty much had to be original content or drawn from memory. Some characters developed for fun, some because they had to.
Character Creation - Grij and Greymalkin were "designed by committee" to fill organizational needs in The Dualist. All other characters started off as visual/mental concepts, emerging from a compost heap of media and real-life inputs.
Do You Ship Your OCs With Someone Else's: I have not. I'm not entirely averse to the idea, I've just never had that level of back-and-forth with peers. I've put Rachel and @ann_arcana's fursona together a couple of times, but, uh... that's... an illustration of an RL ship. 😳👉👈
Fav OC Ship: Using the strict definition of "relationship"... I'm still happy with how Raven and Tantek's working relationship turned out. They don't date (Raven and West *did,* at some point, though), they're just friends and coworkers who get along fairly well.
Weirdest OC: Lucy the slug girl. This seems to be the character a lot of folks know me for. 👩‍🔬 (These are from 2010, 2008, and 2005, and are fresh PNGs built from the original full-size TIFs; bigger than anything you'll find on my DA account.)
Villain OCs? - Brandon James was created in 1997, originally as a support character, and eventually became an antagonist. General Grij was created in 2003 for The Dualist and is regarded as an antagonist by both the Templar and West's band of misfits.
Would You Consider Yourself Nice To Your OCs? - It depends. "Dreadfully inconvenienced" is the default state of most of the ATC cast. Pinup characters, conversely, seem to be having an easier time of it.
(cw: gore) An OC You've Killed - FUNNY YOU SHOULD ASK. I imply-kill the principle cast of my webcomic at one point... Captain Spenc of the Hemera gets explosively disemboweled by a railgun slug (years before The Expanse premiered), and Beef Knuckleback... dies in every book.
Are Any Of Your OCs Parents? - Mike West is John West's dad. A great many of my pinup OCs are likely *about* to become parents, but canonically.. "John's dad met Greymalkin back in the day" is plot-relevant, while other offspring are, for lack of a friendlier term... "offscreen."
Are There Any OCs You Find Yourself Neglecting? - Alias *REALLY* got the shaft compared to what was developed. Robert Carrington would have had his own entire-ass arc in the next book of ATC. The relationship between Whitehouse, Lang, and Carrington is cut content (DCR 6-8).
An OC That's Difficult To Write/Draw? - Xand was changed extensively right before production started. Originally all 4 limbs were mechanical prosthetics (the other three were changed to "high grade"), and her hair was changed from purple to pink to avoid comparison to RPG World.
Tallest and Shortest OCs - Lucy by tail length, but for regular old no-cheaty measurements, Tantek (in exoskeleton) and Raven (in sneakers) are the tallest and shortest. I don't have canonical heights for either; Tantek is roughly 6'4" and Raven is roughly 5'4".
Youngest and Oldest OCs - Emily Ashton turns 18 shortly before she enters Dead City Radio. Greymalkin is in his 60s in The Dualist.
Do You Dislike Any Of Your OCs? - 🤐 I dislike what several of them symbolize in terms of my damage, my internal creative processes, etc.
Have You Ever Made A Self-Insert? Thad is pretty literally my complete inability to process being trans, being a sexual assault survivor, being neurodiverse, and having made a few misguided decisions that tanked my mental health.... simultaneously. Not something I'm proud of.
An OC Regret? - Uhm.... I definitely regret the color palettes of most of the comic cast. Pinup OCs I can refine with a new drawing; with comic characters... I started muddy and was stuck with it for consistency for sixteen years. I had design outs for clothing but not hair/eyes!
An OC You Didn't Expect To Be Popular? - The cheap but honest answer is "any of them," as I honestly never have any idea what's going to get traction. It still boggles me that while I'm known for other work, it's my OC Brandy that has, by far, the most faves on DA.
An OC You Didn't Expect To Love? - Aeon. It's an ancient intergalactic superweapon that appears on the astral plane in the form of a wolf, it communicates entirely in symbols, and it marks navigation coordinates by peeing on them. (The symbols bits were fun!)
I was not expecting to work through the entire list - thanks to @CaseyExplosion for the boost, and thanks to everyone who faved the parent tweet... and to everyone who read through the whole thread! 🙇‍♀️ (I'm a little embarrassed!)
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