This Vulture article about the release of the Zack Snyder's Justice League is really on some next level shit, comparing folks who wanted the original cut of the movie released to those pieces of garbage who voted for Brexit and Trump.
So many of the folks I follow on here who wanted Zack Snyder's Justice League released identify as queer, or are POC, or consider themselves progressives (or some combination of the three). To reduce us to same the gamergate bros we actively fight against is beyond infuriating.
No mention of the 170K that the movement generated for the suicide prevention or of the rest of the people just working to prop up something they love, nor of the fact that fan movements -- and their most toxic elements -- aren't anything fucking new!
The final thing -- comparing RTSC to those ignorant, awful assholes wanting to end the quarantine. I'm just -- what? The fact that this ONE movement and this ONE movie is gonna herald the end of society as we know it is a whole lot of reactionary, inflammatory bullshit.
This is an awful, biased article that doesn't care about the reality of the movement or Zack Snyder fans. This writer didn't care to dig past his own biases even a little bit, but I also again wanna say FUCK YOU to all the shitty RTSC assholes who invited this upon us all.
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