A couple weeks ago I promised my thoughts as a Gen Xer about my parents' divorce and how it affected the ways it influenced my life. I am curious to hear about your experience. Today, life is great and I credit much of this from what I learned from these events.
If you are familiar with terms like latch key kid and Kramer vs. Kramer much of this will sound familiar to you. My parents divorced in 1978/79 when I was in 3rd grade. I am an older Gen Xer. As far as I can tell this time frame is critical to understanding America today.
Along with Star Wars, J.R.R Tolkein, Dungeons and Dragons, divorce was a huge phenomenon. A popular cartoon called Doonesbury even joked about how trendy it was. It was hip. Many of my friends' parents were going through divorce during this same period. It was very common.
Don't want to belabor the details, but my mother developed a relationship with a man who occasionally worked in my town. She left our family to live with him in Seattle, about an hour away. I was 8. I have a sister who is 4 years older and we both stayed with my dad.
We were Catholics. My father continued taking us to Mass. But this was post-Vatican II time and along with the family, the Catholic Church was pretty much burning down in the United States. Literally no one would stand up for Church teachings and nobody cared to follow them.
This might seem like an exaggeration, but believe me it is not. I cannot forget my father coming out of our church a few years later with my future step mother (who was living with us) bewildered that the Church wouldn't marry them - it's like "hello".
Despite the Church's meltdown in teaching and authority, it still kept up some appearance, like not doing a Catholic wedding for a divorced Catholic and a divorced Lutheran who were living in sin, so that is something.
At my public school, the boomers really, really wanted us to have sex and masturbate. Yeah, not kidding. Sex ed was one long invitation to be promiscuous. In 6th grade, I had a true or false test where I selected true to the statement masturbation makes my hair fall out....
So, the rest of my youth was pretty unaccountable. Parents didn't really care what we did. My sister as a high school student was allowed to have her Army boyfriend stay over and have sex with her at night. For some reason we were both excellent students. Maybe we had pride.
So, that's enough background. My biggest takeaway is I will never forget how offended I was by literally all of this as a young man. All of it. Kids have something of an innate sense of right and wrong. I thank God for this. I had a lot of problems from my teenage years.....
through my mid-20s. I partied too much, developed a pot habit, failed out of college and just became more and more miserable. It had been many, many years since any of us had gone to church, but I got down on my knees and begged God to help me....
One year later I was enrolled in an excellent college, 5 years later I had started what became a brilliant career. I will celebrate my 20th wedding anniversary this year and we have 6 great kids. There is a lot more to say, but to those of you who grew up like me....
I hope you are OK. This life is very much worth living. God desperately wants you to choose to have Him work in your life, so you can bring light back into your broken family, esp to your and my elderly parents...
The post-Vatican II world of the boomers almost destroyed this country. All things are renewed in Christ. Let's both forgive them and make the world a better place for future generations.
I literally had no idea what it even was. My female teacher kept me after class and kind of mocked me until I told her the statement was false.
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