. @DrIbram wrote an entire essay on this. Folks say this time and again. Black electoral organizers who do the on the ground work of mobilizing voters to Dem benefit say this time & again. The white leadership of the party actively ignores all of it. 1/ https://twitter.com/donovanxramsey/status/1263934062793838592
They are not interested in doing anything above the bare minimum necessary to get the bare minimum votes needed from Black ppl in order for them to hold office. If they could win w/o our votes they wouldn’t engage with us at all. They want the white Dem party of yesteryear... 2/
...that’s why they keep chasing after white voters who switched to the Republican Party a generation ago. They are not interested in building a party around the interests of a working class multiracial coalition or they would do that. They want our votes & not our voices. 3/
It’s 100% about the politics of whiteness & racism. Because building around the interests of working class BIPoC when this is the fastest growing demographic in the country is a no-brainer winning strategy unless you’re hindered by your own desire to maintain white rule. 4/4
And this is why it’s an entire effing problem for some of y’all to just say “OK” to that, demand nothing from them & attempt to shut down anybody who objects to or critiques these politicians.
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