Alright, I'm doing this:

One like = One hot take

I have plenty of spicy takes in my drafts, some of which don't really deserve individual tweets, so I'll just use 'em here.

Some of them are about Marxism, some of them are general. Sorry to those I'm about to offend in advance!
[DISCLAIMER: I swear to God if any of these get me cancelled, I'm deleting Twitter.]

Weew boy, here we go:

1. No activism at all is immeasurably better than pseudo-activism.

2. Luxemburg wasn't that ugly or unattractive.

3. Mao Zedong was better that Stalin in many ways.
4. Most Marxist critiques of Anarchism I've read were very weak or based on strawmen.

5. Society has progressed past the need for Council Communism.

6. Luxemburg's "The Accumulation of Capital" isn't that horrible. It actually has many great and useful parts.
7. Young Stalin (the famous picture of him is airbrushed and edited to hell anyways) isn't hot.

8. Lenin made more mistakes that most of us want to admit.

9. Imperialism: the Highest Stage of Capitalism is one of Lenin's most mundane and "meh" works.

10. Green tea sucks ass.
11. Žižek is overrated & has many stupid opinions

12. Vanilla ice cream is the best. Chocolate ice cream is horrible.

13. Chocolate-flavoured anything usually tastes like chemical vomit. Eat actual chocolate instead of bullshit.

14. Speaking of bullshit, Kronstadt was bullshit
15. Pocasts suuuuuuuuck.

16. [Twitter] LeftComs should stop jerking off to Bordiga & actually read him.

17. The National Question discourse is ALWAYS bad.

18. Alexandra Kollontai was hot, haters gonna hate.

19. Sartre's Nausea is a really good book & is unnecessarily hated.
20. Unironically using "Hismat" & "Diamat" instead of "Historical Materialism" & "Dialectical Materialism" is very cringe.

21. Most people who use "dialectics" don't know what it means.

22. Most sports are super boring & stupid. I'm not watching 20 men chase a ball for 2 hours.
23. I feel like debating a moron is much harder than debating a smart, well-read person. Some people can be so stupid sometimes and it'll leave you baffled, unable to properly respond.

24. It's not worth debating *most* leftists. Like, ever. You're just wasting your time.
25. We have to let Gramsci go. He was not good.

26. Marxists will never be able to wash Stalin & his legacy off of them. We should analyse what & why instead of aggressively trying to build walls between historical events in a vain attempt so seem better or morally superior.
27. Speaking of Stalin, Stalinists are not our allies. We don't have the same methods, aims & understanding of most things. For us, they represent a triumph of the counterrevolution.

28. Most Trotskyists are insufferable pedants with a martyrdom complex for some reason. Sorry.
29. I just assume everyone's a white teenage boy on the internet, unless stated otherwise.

30. Anarchists, calling everything you don't like Fascism is really, really stupid. Stop it.

31. Pre-1910 Kautsky's writings were decent & still should be looked into (sorry Rosa & Lenin)
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