We’ve had the worst Flu season (19/20) since the Spanish Flu pandemic in 1918. Not a WORD mentioned- in fact it literally evaporated since February. To understand WHY our flu seasons are so bad now, it’s important to understand what occurred leading up to this. The Spanish Flu
2) of 1918 was caused by an influenza virus (H1N1) that was eradicated/burned out after killing 50,000,000 when our world population was less than that if the US currently. USAMRIID though it would be a good idea in 1997 to pay $3k to a “virus hunter” to go to Alaska, dig up
3) Eskimos suspended in ice in a village that was decimated by the disease. Lung tissue was removed and MAILED (USPS) to USAMRIID. A sample was obtained by Y. Kawaoka, a bioweaons expert at the University of Wisconsin (Madison) and he proceeded to resurrect the virus in 2004
5) he has a BLS-3 (not 4) lab st UW at Madison. Clearly he tested in animals as typical protocol. A boy in 2005 contracted it from a pig ...in... WISCONSIN (coincidental) 🙄. This marked the birth of the Re-branded #SwineFlu. The genome is identical to Spanish flu was was the
6) direct result of USAMRIID and Y. Kawaoka’s need to play God. I’m a scientist. I’m all for learning everything necessary to be ready for treatments that may be necessary for society; however I’m not for creating the problem only to have the solution. It doesn’t end there-
7) since the needless Re-emergence in 2005, hundreds of thousands have died from it, and this season is no exception. In 2014, Y. Kawaoka found a way to optimize the H1N1 to increase transmissibility and virulence with one added feature. This new H1N1 is impervious to our
8) immune system. Our antibodies cannot recognize this virus! Half of the scientific community is vehemently against this gain of function research. The risk far outweighs any reward- to us, maybe but not them. Universities have become DRUNK on patent ownership.
9) The Bayh-Dole Act, signed into law in 1980, gives universities rights to intellectual property (IP) generated from federal funding. State schools supported by our tax dollars are allowed to nab up patents and capitalize on it even though OUR MONEY funded the research!
10) this was the beginning of the END of our scientific community, education and health organizations. The insatiable appetite for garbage publications, jockeying for funding, tenure and IP has ruined science and injected strong agenda bias in addition to taking risk like H1N1
11) in a desperate attempt to make research novel. Dr. Kawaoka is prime example. His work with the even deadlier H5N1 influenza places his fingerprint on this SARSCoV2 as 9 pairs in its sequence closely resemble that of H5N1. That said, waiting in the wings is this optimized
13) in addition I hear gain of function being performed on Ebola, H5N1 and others. Until conflicts of interest is removed from science, and quid quo pro ends for funding grants that are cherry-picked as well as monetary incentive for IP that truly belongs to the tax payers,
14) we will continue to be at risk, and watch scientific substance spiral. I’m calling on @potus to erect scientific oversight consisting of scientists with true investigative talent, no personal motive and a bit of mongrel that is necessary for digging up the dirt that
15) every aspect of medicine and scientific research is rife with. My other suggestion is to not be obsessed with “pedigree” or #PoisonIvyLeague types for this position as to prevent good old boys clubs or winks and handshakes to allow this complete bastardization to continue.
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