Genius! It took me a few readings to understand the nuance. I have lived in four continents in different countries; “rubbed shoulders” with all kinds; have been subjected to horrendous “racism” by both “whites” and “non-whites” -as every society has both racist and non-racist. 1/
Racism is not exclusive forte of “Euro-whites”! And it’s not exclusive binary of “Euro-white” (“west”) - “Non-Euro-White” alone. There is inter-continental racism, there is inter-regional racism (East Asian and South Asian and West Asian can be racist towards each other), and 2/
there is intra-regional (Chinese, Japanese & Koreans can be very racist towards each other, and all three can be collectively very racist towards south-east Asians and vice versa) and intra-regional within a political boundary, not necessarily delineated by language/culture 3/
and of course skin tone spectrum based in the “sub-Saharan Africans” as what for “outsiders” would be “same people” could be different for them in nuanced skin tone differentiations. Once a Kenyan African dude called another Kenyan African dude as “that black guy”, baffling us 4/
-for he explained the other guy was “darker”!!! And of course this has ugliest manifestation amongst the “Latinos” with the “Latinos” who immigrate north mostly being “mixed race”, lower in social pecking order, with tiny “white” (who are but nominal, mostly mixed but paler) 5/
on top of the pyramid both economically and socially. And yet those mixed (mestizos) would themselves have denigrated and dehumanised the “Latinos” of African descent to the point they are not even visible in countries like Mexico. But last redoubt of unbridled “Euro-white” 6/
racism is daily, casually and culturally practiced in Australia; with the racism and misogyny so very pervasive that it appears as if a necessary twin curse of having inherited a jumbo island brimming with resources and having decimated the oldest human societies to the brink. 7/
Although there are a few disagreements here -this following thread does hold true. Very unvarnished and very unemotional truth, which validates my own very much lived experiences, being on the receiving end of both “white” and “non-white” racism equally 👉
But the thread above misses an important point 👉
Not always a fan of Mr. Pilger’s sensationalist works, especially on other domains -but Mr. Pilger has been a trailblazer in highlighting dark history and very much ongoing dark ugly present of Aboriginal peoples’ cries and agony in his native Australia 👉
“Non-traditional whites” like Irish, Italians & Jews; themselves on the recieving end of intense racism for long, who struggled to be admitted as “white” till the 80s —can be very intensely overtly racist to “non-whites” 👉
Another example of "non-traditional whites" or those "passing" being absolutely racist with non-whites 👇
Every society/country has its own "ruling caste" [caste, not class; class & caste actually does not intersect in most societies –as every society has its own "core/establishment stock"] of "ruling white" and its "exploited non-white", of whatever skin👇
But everyday normative socially sanctioned casual racism is very unique to Australia, despite it being "purportedly" a developed, "western", advanced, industrialized society 👇
Sure, Mathew Bernard may be violent psychotic criminal who has just murdered three people, including a child; but there is “normative hesitation” to take his life right away as he is of “core ethnie” from a “establishment stock” unlike other “non-whites”👉
Indeed, it's 400+ years of "white privilege"! But tragically till as late as late 80s, "non-traditional whites" like Irish, Italians and Jews struggled to be "admitted" as being "white" –and yet, they can be very insensitive now👇
This 👇 is very heart rending! This childhood trauma scars life....
Now this is the kind of moron that exactly exemplifies, the absurd case of "non-traditional whites" like Irish, Italians and Jews who struggled to being "admitted" as "white" till late 80s, who can be very overtly viciously racists against "non-whites"👇
And here, another moron –who thinks he has now become very "white" to go full blown overtly racist against "non-whites"!👇
As this thread has laid out, racism is uniform & universal across all culture/societies/races. This East Asian boy here; like Latinos with "native" heritage screaming out from their face, still feels "white" & be racist; abhors much "non-white" assertion!
Here, another East Asian, actually a dark skinned South East Asian, a Malay married to a Jew is angry as hell for "white" people acknowledging "white privileges" just as "non-white" people are starting to be as assertive on their rights and privileges!!!
And this Irish transplant –a "non-traditional white", by way of England, is angry that "liberation" has finally come, in that a statute of a Confederate General who fought to keep the brutal and ruthless human chattel slavery continued has been toppled👇
On the long run; the overall racial dynamics, most precisely "black" versus "white" will get fuzzier and fuzzier and much much fluid 👇
And just as this thread has pondered; the "non-traditional whites" likes Italians, Irish & Jews, who till the late 80s struggled to be admitted as "white" –have themselves turned racists! A "white-supremacist" org is run by an Italian!! via @intelligencer
And this kind of casual, everyday racism is everywhere; when you are "different" or appear "different" by your mere attire, accent of persona, from the majority stuck in that place. But again, most blatant pervasive form I have experienced is in Australia
A storm is engulfing England as a Professor of English at Cambridge University, perhaps intending to stir the intensity of debate, rather provocatively wrote: "White Lives Doesn't Matter. Abolish White Lives!" Obviously she intended "white" as a metaphor
👉 this “free-thinker” herself as a “non-traditional white” ostracised & excluded ‘ethnie’ who struggled to be “admitted” as “white” till as late as late 80s appear not to appreciate the underlying agonies of African-Americans on how the memory is depicted
"Race" is a self-appointed notion. Mere notion. Nothing more. Have seen "ethnic Britons" all dusky with dark hair and flaring Beckham...but when I speculated she might be of ancient mixed race heritage [not impossible for sea-faring island], people +
(white British) scoffed that not to be true, saying, "She is 100% English"! There is no such thing as 100% anything. "European" is the most mixed race amongst all –long being a sea-faring peninsular typography with waterways reaching hinterlands. Many "African slave" boys kept +
as servant, a status thing in the 17th century rich families in Britain and elsewhere in Europe, eventually married "white women" within the household staff to eventually become "whites". Most famous example is Russian Poet Alexander Pushkin's grandfather –an African slave boy +
kept as personal servant of Peter the Great, who later became famous as General Ganibal! The prolific miscegenation aided by the more prolific and cheaper air-travel..errr. globalization..will lead the world towards eventually India, via Latin America 👇
The cop flat out denies seeing white supremacist slapping Black Lives Matter protester in front of him. Race as an identifier has very ugly manifestation among "Latino", especially paler ones, even with Amerindian heritage screaming in face & physique. 👇
Dude Titania –your sarcasm has run a bit of hypocritical limit here...regardless of a lone descendant or all descendants objecting it; not only the dead freed slaves would find this of bad taste today but also Lincoln would too
Now this fella is outraged, for this woman at Cornell being, for what he considers to be "bigoted" against "white-hood"! This woman at Cornell and that woman at Cambridge were like birds chirping to bees: they were coming from their initiation rites of +
Social Science turd piles of late, of thick gelatinous language full of innuendos that weave and sew a metaphorical phantasmagorical matrixes of human society cross-cutting and intersect by varied power dynamics of varying nuances that antithetically they end up creating +
post-realist magical realism! Post/Ana-Marxist, Post-Modern, Deconstruction of realism actually creates a very wild magical realism!! See, the language I wove itself!!! It verges on caricature actually...the women were using "white" as a mere metaphor! Like that Indian woman is +
herself very "white" ; for her being well ensconced in the "legacy metropole", that too in an ultimate epitome of "knowledge fount" of that metropole of the world dominated by a universal lingua franca [French must cry inconsolable, that English is called the Lingua Franca of
the World!]. Ditto for this Cornell woman. And what she is stating is actually correct: the outright prostitution of "development industry" that fetishizes the poverty porn and feeds and sustains on it, on never ending loop has actually its anchor in activist/charity do-gooders +
in the "enlightened west" [majority "Euro-white" countries]. With newer "development/rights trope" made fist popularized in colleges campuses of the west & then heaped in its very crude & un-adaptable forms to the "benighted east" has had unintended & even horrific consequences.
And there is a "non-traditional white", in casually racist Australia; who has anointed himself designated ass-kisser of DJT. Regardless of rancid racist fart, expelled from DJT's ass hole; this fella would just suck it all up & not miss kissing DJT's ass.
Now here, this Pole –being East European, who would actually be considered a notch down from, well, traditional "non-traditional-whites" like Irish, Italian & Jews, who struggled till the late 80s to be admitted as "white"; has turned "white supremacist"
Dude Titania has struck again! This time with well-researched thread –which surely would make for a silly one liners in stand up comedy routines, if times of this race subjectivity were not super sensitive. Except that, it actually exposes "white" fetish!
This Magyar @SebGorka, now thinks he has become "white" with thick cartoonish accent unshed & face still screaming Asiatic Uralic inheritance. This Magyar would actually be a notch down from "non-traditional whites", the Irish, Italians and Jews, till 80s
Point: The "human-hood" has been beset by tyranny and evil since great apes evolved into humans, and it still continues more or less in one form or other! Just as "racism" as this thread points out is not "exclusive" to "Euro-white" on "non-Euro-white"👇
This Cuban "wanna be white" mestizo got self-owned by mistakenly tweeting picture of Cummings instead Lewis from the side. But to be fair, tong twisted Welsh Chris Matthews also got confused between Tim Scott & Jaime Harrison. So got piled on by mob, +
indignant at this transgression of not being able to identify one individual from another. Now true, both the Cuban and Mathews should have known it better. But also true is in East Asia, they still pretty much think all "whites" look the same, and in my personal experience +
itself too, other types too [lets set aside what "type" I look now]. In fact one day, I was approached by a girl who was to be dating my friend as me!!! Another girl, who had had relationship with still another friend of mine, while dancing in the club, was insisting that I was +
him! Baffling us both to the hilt!! [my friend was not there at the time]. But she was bit drunk. The point is, for people of one common appearances [not race, which is but a notion mostly]; people of another appearances look similar. As brothers are usually mistaken from +
another –not twins, but just brothers, several years apart [or sisters too]. Sometimes cousins are mistaken. And ditto for regional/ethno-lingual identities; like for example I got confused between two Italian hotel front desk staffs, and they got me confused with some mestizo +
from Columbia. I got confused between two East European housekeeping staffs at my hotel [from two different countries, Poland and Romania]. So this happens to everybody. And still to be fair the picture of Lewis and Cummings from the side could get you blindsided. Although as a +
politicians he should have been mindful of hair-trigger online mob, utterly bored, waiting to skewer just about anybody on the slightest of transgressions as if they are so very morally superior in their daily conduct that there is not an iota of "innocent mistakes" in their life
One of the most drivers cast sitcom with two Jews, an Italian and a Greek! By traditionalist "white" categorization; only two whites were cast –such a minority white cast sitcom actually!!👇
This is masterpiece from @DaveChappelle on "race identity confusion"; especially for the likes of "White Supremacist Jews" like David HorrorWitch et al., an "World Continuous Revolution" ex-Trotskyite for that matter! Quite a career calisthenics!!👇
. @KamalaHarris is as African-American as @BarackObama. A tragic conundrum. Despite being biracial, with tenuous link to African-American historicity; both had to internalize "the black" identity, with skin color the "prima facie individualization" in "Euro-white" majority country
This is yet another goddamn hard hitter from Mr. Maher. Racism (abhorrence of other) is constant of human life; in all locales, environs, societies or identity group –not only inter-identity group (ethnies) but very much intra-identity group (ethnies)👇👇
If one wants to be really very honest about it; this poor soul is eternally confused Clayton Bigsby caricature –a tragedy of unsuccessful Portuguese and then semi-successful British colonization of India; with Portuguese last name slapped on Indian name👇
Those who cry hoary of racism from "Euro-whites" alone, while ignoring racism in each & every human societies & identity groups; as if "Euro-whites" alone are approximation of perfection in human form, according them "divinity"; themselves are racists👇👇
Those who cry hoary of racism from only Euro-whites; themselves are the racists. One has to be ethnically ambiguous olive man to experience full on racism by all kinds; Euros, Afros, Arabs, Indos, East Asians, Malays, Pacificans & Mestizos & Mulattoes too
Retribution against dead "Euros" for their past racism has been quite a sight to witness this summer –and that as victim of racism by all kinds: Euros, Afros, Arabs, Indos, Sinos, Malays, Pacificans, Mestizos & Mulattoes. Racism is uniformly universal👇👇
Racism/Classism/Castism is not unique to America. Its universal. Modern slavery still exists as "bonded-labor" in third world. Apartheid & Jim Crow were statutory racism in contemporary world. But Apartheid/Jim Crow informally is still "norm" everywhere.
"We all have hidden prejudices...." But we can get over them.... This 👇👍👍👍
Its common to point the "other" as being "racist" –while being "self-righteous"! The Jewish boys from the "utopia" in mid 90s in US, told of the daily taunts growing up & later even actual Caucasians from Caucasus told of being derided as "Chorni" [black].
There's pervasive & inherent racism in segments of law enforcement in Euro-white majority countries against Non-Euro-whites. Any developed/advanced societies should eject it. But such racism is pervasive & uniform against the "other" in each societies.👇
Why is it that usually, those who are "nominally white" act as if they can't be "white" enough fast!?👇
This gentleman –a real gentleman of courage and dignity, has understood "race" as it should be. An issue actually of precisely courage, dignity, integrity and indeed self-respect more than anything else. Fend off racism confidently than as a coward.👇👍🙏
This kind of racism is experienced by every "others" in majority "historic/native" land. And racism is not unique to America. But, in settler "non-native" America [or rest of Americas & Australasia]; racism is not only absurd but absolutely intolerable.👇
This #culturalappropriation shit has gone haywire. World is market-place of ideas, practice, behavior, gesture, posture, lingo & indeed dresses & fashion. Nothing evolved in isolation. Everything has been traded & refined over time. Eg. #Polo 's #Jodhpur
Students have been turned into two bit snow-flakes –and that they call being "woke"! Again, those who complain about racism themselves are very racist.👇👇
While the "snow-flake" manufacturers; the universities have turned themselves into prostitutes, offering ready strep-tease and pole-dancing if not whoring out outright. 👇
This has been my point all along. Those who expect Euros to be non-racist are themselves very racist –for requiring them to be "perfect"! They are not. They are just like Afros, Arabs, Indos, Sinos, Malays, Pacificans et al. –all equal opportunity racists.
Also just as "white" is problematic and suspect –for being a mutt like all other mutts [as humans are amorous, and have slept around a lot, continue to sleep around and will sleep around more with all kinds]; English are quite an intensely mixed-breed 👇
Because homo sapiens are just but a hominid in a continuum, still evolving, from Apes to Erectus to Humans & onward, with much cross-breeding amongst & across the continuum before –there is varied Human phenotype/genotype; just like varied dog breeds.👇👇
An example of why "race" as monolith is performative alone [visualize race as, but "breeds" alone, and that all "breeds" are mixed at the end👆]. Now, this👇story is illustrative. While, @ValerieJarrett is always black; this woman can't be "black" ever.
But this story👆also vividly illustrates, Jews originated as Afro-Asiatic people, in continuum, with much miscegenation over two millennia in Europe, rendering them in phenotype, "somewhat White looking." But still their Afro-Asiatic inheritance still screams out from their faces
Right here is example of how "inter-breed" love do exists! Well, in my case, I had a supervisor in #Australia, who more or less became a mother I never had for a brief period👇
This person has "native American" ancestry –a lot!? Ain't that right!?? The phenotype screams in the face, great ancient tribal blood! Gonad Lump ought to be calling her Pocahontas instead, not to mock of course, but honor her "native American" ancestry👇
These two distinctly "non-white" looking boys have become standard bearer of "white-power" in America including the Middle-Eastern looking boy in WH! A mate quipped about this kid, @benshapiro; "Why is that Arab dude, so fired up about being, 'white'" 👇
There is no "race" –but wide varieties of "breeds" are possible, of varied phenotype/genotype...

A "White" in Russia could be more towards East Asian spectrum on European–Asian continuum; "Black" in Horn of Africa could be more towards Arab in continuum.
Now this 👇 pretty much shall conclude this thread & the other as well I have on Australia being uniquely racist! I don’t know if I am to laugh or cry -but race is “performance” alone and some über-morons take it too damn seriously.
This zambo [ ], visibly standing out amongst the white supremacists, with his darker skin and well, Afro-Amerindian features, gives out the "White-Power" signage!! Usually, its Mestizos, the disillusioned racist –but this is rarity. 
This Muslo-Arabized Nubian in Australia –just like racist Latino Mestizos, with face screaming native inheritance but for paler skin– being in the Afro-Asiatic continuum, hence the eternal angst of not being "white" has had little fun with Chinese name.👇
From UK, here is one of the shallowest piece on race –with reverse racism & condescension heaped on minority as unable to be individuated free-will, unencumbered to identity group. As this thread holds, race is but performance alone. Current PM is a Turk!
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