Lee Chan/ Dino
How he has been wronged by carats and reasons why he deserves the world: A thread
This essay was fully written by me and addresses big issues that happen within the community. I researched all of this and found evidence to back me up. It will be posted after this. The ending of the essay will be posted here at the end of the thread.
This stream happened the other day. The account R U N N I N G the stream tweeted about it!!!!
Many people watched as the stream count dropped during his dance videos
When Chan was absolutely wronged by Billboard, some carats decided to be assholes about it
Something else with billboard was the pairing. There were certain pairs that were in photos together.
Photo 1 was what the pairs were.
Photo 2 is a shippers pairing to which over 100 people agreed with.
Here is more shipping issues
Now we dive into the issue with the anti account that happened 2 weeks ago. The account only tweeted a few times but completely targeted D*no.
Many dinonaras, including myself, plead with other carats to help us report this terrible account. As a result, the Dino search was tainted for hours because of reckless censorship. This was the second thing that popped up when you typed his name.
During this time, a M*ngyu anti popped up and carat Twitter immediately took to it, taking it down in under two hours.
It took a day and a half for the D*no anti account to get taken down.
Idk if this is a carat but :/
One big thing I forgot to mention in the essay is Chan and being babied. One popular phrase that is STILL used by carats is 'Dino N*gu Aeg*'.
Chan expressed that he is uncomfortable with being called this, especially because he has grown and wants to be treated like an adult.
Here is carats ignoring it and I kept the timestamps to show you how recently they occured
Also wtf is with putting him as a love child as other members? That's super weird.
Also another huge thing you guys have been doing is saying that his accomplishments are okay but another member could've done better
Screenshots of the issue from the Japanese event in 2019
Here is people ignoring Chans fancams. It only had 6.6k views compared to the 10k+ each other member had
One event that took place was the Nene chicken fansign which took place on 5/14/2029. 0 Chan fansites showed up.
This goes with the baby/shipping thing.
Here is K-Carats calling him ugly for being barefaced. Translations are rough but decently accurate.
A carat ACCUSED dinonaras of starting the anti account and then began to be mean to us and for what? For sticking up for him? For us?
There is so much more things that have happened but I did want to show the major things with what I have screenshotted evidence for you. Unfortunately I couldnt get everything but in order for me and others to defend ourselves I needed the proof which is why I wont make claims+
Without screenshots or any solid proof.
Chan is an absolutely wonderful and amazing person. He makes sure that he does his absolute best for us. He makes the danceology for us and perfects them, spending hours on them so they are just right. Chan even did a vlive that showed us the process of his danceology making+
and how much hard work he puts into it.
He has also expressed and shown us how much he loved creating the choreography for Flower. He has talked about it many times. It's his pride and joy and he wants us to enjoy it.
Chan has worked so hard for us, even since before he debuted. He put all his effort into practicing and working towards pleasing future fans. He has helped write many Seventeen songs+
including the most recent Japanese track 'Fallin Flower'
Chan is someone who is always there for the other members. He makes them laugh, is there for them when they are upset, and has been by their side for a long time. He is kind, hard-working, talented, respectful, loving and wants nothing more than the best for us and Seventeen.
He is not below any other member in Seventeen. He stands beside his brothers proudly. He has worked night and day, hour after hour to get where he is now and does NOT deserve to be ignored or mistreated. It's 13 or nothing.
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