Children are going to need us (adults) to create experiences that meet their needs by focusing on fun, physical movement/fitness, and belonging more than ever after all of this isolation and individual training.
You’re going to be able to see exactly what children’s needs are when the ban is lifted on these “train in your own grid” activities. They're going to want to play and socialize. Let's keep youth sports in perspective.
You're also going to see many coaches that talk about isolated technical training now have their time and that's ok. There's nothing wrong with that. Children need to be active.
However, you're also going to see some of these same coaches really struggle with recognizing the moment of a technical breakdown as well as prescribing some corrective action steps...
you'll see even less that can facilitate or guide a self-regulation process for individual players to reflect and take some ownership in their own development. Let's work on changing this together!
#play #neverstoplearning #playercentered
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