Friend died alone after being exposed to covid by carers with inadequate PPE and having not seen family or friends since this started.

No one they knew could attend the funeral, with most family just *suspected* of exposure too. But its OK for Cummings for childcare?! Fuck off
For them it's alright to expose an entire household to sickness after driving across the country but here we all are, many of us still shut away in our houses, because it's unsafe due to so many people still spreading it.
Is it any wonder we have families still visiting elderly relatives not knowing it's not allowed, or gathering closely in large groups of differing households, when the example set by those telling us the rules involves visiting family and travelling the fucking country
If it wasn't a breach of lockdown rules, they truly fucked the lockdown rules and need to start being absolutely clear on what can and can't be done, not rely on this "British Common Sense" crap because this is a goddamn farce and the farthest thing from actual sense.
More I think about this, the more awful I think it is. Not only the travelling such distance but that they went to expose two much older people to the disease, something the government previously explicitly stated not to do in one of their briefings.
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