A kinda hurt that comes from having a friend that shows you no support is different. I mean it’s fine if they are not your friends then no problem they don’t have to show support. When they now go the extra mile to support people they have never met when they have not finished
Supporting their own can be painful. Do not misunderstand me it’s not bad to support people you don’t know but what’s wrong is not supporting your own first. Everyone needs support, it does not have to be financial, an instagram story, liking their pictures, comments, advice,
Buying what they sell if you can afford it, telling another friend to tell another friend. In these little ways you can help out. Now when I say friend, I don’t mean exchanging hi’s and hello’s, I mean people you frequently talk to and converse with.
It’s actually fine if they don’t support you and they also don’t support anyone, it means that they are not capable of supporting people so you can rule that out as a bad trait your friend has and try to help them work on it.
The hurt now hits harder when you constantly support them and do not get the same energy back and you clearly see them supporting people you know they have no relationship with. You will now be thinking to yourself maybe I am not as important as I think I am to this person
I seriously wanna type you are actually not as important as you think but before then there might be a few factors,
1. They don’t think you need support which is trash to me, everyone needs support no matter how great you are doing already.

It might be hard I know, I will be difficult, trust me I learnt that the hard way but you just gotta move on especially if you are big on friendships like I am.
If you stumble on this tweet and you realize you are the unsupportive friend I am referring to please change your ways but if you are the friend not getting any support
These are issues you can speak to your friends about only if you are sure they are not consciously doing them or you can just send this tweet to them or to your story just maybe they will catch their sub 😂
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