The response of local Councils across the country to the needs of their communities during this crisis has been tremendous. But many of them are now facing a second crisis. And one that is in some cases, no less of an existential threat than the Coronavirus itself.
Councils of course, are not people. They are though run by, and for, people; for communities. They are Councillors, and care workers, registrars and refuse collectors. They run many services that we all rely on and very few that are not essential in our communities.
Imagine, if you can, that YOU are your local Council. Imagine that during this crisis, Government said it would provide support for your extra costs. For the extra things you are having to spend money on right now, which you wouldn't previously have planned or budgeted.
Not support for your usual outgoings and day to day expense. Not for your mortgage or rent, not for your usual bills, not for food or other essentials you would otherwise have needed. Only for the extra stuff you may find yourself spending time and money on during lock-down.
Things like an extra bit of shopping for a shielding neighbour. Maybe a charitable donation or some items for a food bank. Some extra hand soap, sanitizer or a jazzy face mask. If you can find one anywhere.
Apologies actually, I didn’t mean for ALL your extra spend, I misspoke. I meant, only for those extras that Government has yet to, but at some point will come to decide were actually required extras.
Not all of the things that during this almost unprecedented national crisis, you had to make quick decisions were essential extras, but actually only those that the Government subsequently knows better on and decides were maybe okay choices.
Imagine that you find yourself unable to do the things that you would usually do to make money. Your usual services are in very limited demand. Those who would usually be paying you, find themselves also struggling to pay their bills.
Maybe your income disappears all together; maybe it 'only' halves. But despite this, Government does not provided direct support to make up for your lost income. And in fact, doesn't really even directly addressed it as an issue.
How would you cope? Would you get by for while? If you're lucky enough to have any, would you use your savings? Would you make cuts to your outgoings? Delay that house move? Decide, maybe that hand soap isn't an essential extra after all? Or those tins for the food bank?
These are the questions facing many Councils, yours included, right now. Except of course it isn't a few extra tins to forego. It will be local improvement projects, it will be staffing levels, it will be essential services. Further cuts on top of those in recent years.
The total Covid-19 funding package from MHCLG to date of £3.2bn across the various types and tiers of local government.

Has there been financial support from Government for Councils? Absolutely, yes.
Robert Jenrick, the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, has recently quoted Covid-19 related "expenditure" of £1.25bn being reported back to him from Councils for the period through March, April and May.
If their "expenditure" is only £1.25bn so far, surely it's all good, right? Another few months of lock-down, another £1.3bn, covered, job done. But this, of course, is just their 'extra' spend. Their extra shop for a neighbour if you like; the extra tins in the food bank.
Whilst this is happening, their usual outgoings are still mostly churning away. Sure, some things are on hold, some things are closed. But therein lies the compounding issue. Council incomes are drastically lower.
And forecasts suggest longer term issues with significant streams of income like Council Tax as people struggle with the impacts on their own finances.

Has there been sufficient financial support from Government for Councils? Absolutely, not.
The Chairman of the Local Government Association has said that Councils may ultimately need three or four times the funding currently provided. Up and down the country, Councils are reporting a crisis of funding.
Borough Councils are quoting budget gaps in the millions, City and County Councils in the tens of millions. Some even declaring it likely they could be forced to issue a Section 114 notice which is the Council equivalent of "going bust".
@RobertJenrick says @mhclg doing everything it can to manage impacts of Covid-19 on the communities for which it is responsible. Whilst at the same failing to acknowledge the looming second crisis which could make the recovery for communities worse than the illness itself.
TL;DR - Some councils are going to go bust, lots are going to be cutting your services in the near future and communities will suffer, unless @RobertJenrick and @mhclg deal properly with the funding crisis in Local Government as a result of Covid-19.
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