Can someone tell @Diddy to stay in his place? He’s not the spokesperson for Black Folks. This the same BS they did 4 years ago for trump to win, getting into folks ear telling them to not vote for either trump nor Hillary.
We saw how that played out...dems and college students decided not to vote #bernieorbust whiles trumps fan base went and did they thing. If y’all keep letting folks like diddy talk out they ass, trump is going to win, because his base are not going to fold
We can’t be on here saying we want trump out of office, but not willing to vote for the only person who would get him out. Furthermore, y’alls president said way more crap than this and y’all still deal with it.
That’s my two cents, y’all go on and keep the change. I’m open for debate under this thread or via DM.
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