I just told my wife about Biden’s comment of #YouAintBlack and that it has gotten the Trump people all excited about the prospect that Biden may have offended some black voters. And REALLY offended Trump surrogates who suddenly supposedly care about black voters being offended.
She hasn’t heard about it yet. She normally takes a second to think before she responds to things. But she said “I don’t care” so quickly that it was if she was swatting a verbal fly.
Part of the challenge Trump surrogates have is that many of them don’t know enough black folks to know what tends to really bother us and what doesn’t.

Many don’t have enough black friends in real life to understand why so many black voters dislike post-Birther Trump.
A lot of Trump supporters live on a steady diet of paid pundits telling them what they want to hear about black voters. That we’re a bunch of liberals. But that some have “seen the light” in Trump, the “conservative” (LOL!)

It’s easier to take than hearing what we really think.
Trump continues to make his obvious play - obvious to everybody except for you - to capitalize on racial resentment and avoid ostracizing actual white supremacists and their friends. Why does he do this? Maybe simply because they like him and he likes being liked. I dunno.
You hear us complain about things he says. Things he does. How he explains how he thinks. And you ignore it. “Stop playing the race card, black people!”

Then you turn to Fox and get your convenient explanation that shows why none of this is the fault of Trump or the GOP.
And then you scratch your heads, election after election, wondering why black people reject the GOP. And instead of asking us, who you can’t because you don’t personally know any of us, you go back to Fox and “conservative” media for the official explanation.
You will never make inroads with people you don’t understand.

And if you don’t understand why Trump is now spectacularly unpopular with black voters, you need a remedial level understanding of how some of your fellow citizens view the things that you’re perfectly fine with.
You can follow @TheValuesVoter.
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