Here is an excellent example of propaganda from @OANN.

The reporter has crafted a narrative so the audience will bypass the truth of whether a crime actually occurred, by skipping ahead to assuming that it did and presenting a hypothetical question about what should happen next.
By focusing on the idea of whether a pardon should happen, it reinforces to the audience the idea that a crime exists, even when it does not.

It's subtle, devious, and one of their better plays.
After reading the thread's comments; it's clear many people believe an intelligent person would not be vulnerable to what they view as obvious techniques.

But it's not true, just because an individual understands how manipulation techniques work, does not mean they are immune.
Think of propaganda and influence operations as hacking the human brain. Many of the techniques which work well on intelligent people, still target the lower, less evolved parts of the brain.

It doesn't matter how smart a person is, we all have a similar lower brain structure.
The word "Triggered" comes to mind here, ultimately it's just about delivering the right attack payload to the right target enough times until it produces the desired effect.

To attack a target, you must first understand how the targets sees themselves.
A target's sense of self, their identity or ego, is where SOCMED came in to collect enough data on all of us to provide a decent enough profile for targeted manipulation, we saw this with Cambridge Analytica, among others.
That said, my pet theory is still that our lower brain will defend against attacks to our identity/ego in much the same way we respond to physical threats.

Hence, why it is so easy to 'trigger' people.
Which is why I believe MAGA is not political for its followers, it's become a part of their identity, and any attacks against it, are being defended against with the lower brain, which activates before the higher brain can allow logic to enter in.
* The word "reporter" is being used loosely here.
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