Liberal wypipo, if y’all want to get Trump out of office so bad, instead of lecturing Black people on how to vote, talk to your mama nim, your father’s, grandparents, cousins, lovers, and coworkers, you know the 75% of white men and 58% of white women who voted for him.
Talk to you sorora, frat brothers, people in your book club, your neighbors, the members at your church, the people in your neighborhood grocery store, the relatives who come over for Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas holidays, and your old classmates, that’s who voted for Trump.
Call your primary care physicians, your dentists, your lawyers, your mechanics, your children’s coaches, the teachers at their school, your bosses, business partners, real estate agents, accountants and your pastors—Go talk to them, that’s who voted for Trump.
Y’all are related to, are in relationships with, are having affairs with, do business with, are friends with, and are associated with, far more wypipo who voted for Trump then we are with Black people who did.

So stop lecturing us and lecture your own peeps.
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