How the sides act on their group chat - a thread
[ Logan ]

Laughs with Hahahah
Writes with proper grammar, ponctuation and all.
Often leaves the group chat for being ignored, but Patton adds him again instantly.
Have like, 2 react photos that he uses when trying to look cool.
Saved everyone's name as they are.
[ Patton ]

Laughs and reacts with emojis "😂😂"
Dad puns, obviously.
Sends "good morning" gifs with teddy bears and sparkles (after some time everyone stopped responding)
Saved the other's names as cute puns based of inside jokes.
Spams photos of cute animals for no reason.
[ Virgil ]

Laughs with "Lmao" or "lol" (or if he was BR "kkkkkk")
Anime reaction pics for every. single. situation.
Leaves the group bc remus/roman is being a dick but Patton adds him again. (he and Logan accepted now there is no escape)
Existencial questions at 3am
[ Roman ]

Laughs by keysmashing letters "GWHSNZHHS"
Send selfies doing random stuff just to show off.
Always bickering with Remus,Virgil or Janus.
Has gay and cursed reaction pics for everything (but uses the more "friedly" ones on gc)
Always tries to make the convos be abt him
[ Remus ]

Laughs by keysmashing numbers "-2!$-38$;$72;"
Sends furry porn in reaction to Patton's doggie pics so everyone has emergencial pics ready to spam the chat to prevent him from seeing those.
Joins Virgil on the fucked up questions at 3am.
+ Same react pics as Roman, but uses the cursed ones on gc.
Likes to send nudes he found on the internet with the sides face edited on it.

Once he sent a soft text meant for Janus on priv to the gc (cringey) so If he gets too annoying the sides send the print to disconcert him
[ Janus ]

Laughs with "ha ha ha" or "ha" (or BR "rs")
The definiton of "seen ☑"
Almost never replies, only reads the gc and answers in certain points to fuel the debates.
Also uses Remus print to disconcert him
Prints everything he thinks might me useful on the future

The twins always chat in private to either: roast someone or gossip. Whenever something new happens the other sends "you wont BELIEVE what -- said".

Logan once sent a meme by accident on the gc (it was meant for Virgil in priv) and everyone went wild.
There are 6 other groups, each of them without a side.

Sides less Roman
Sides less Logan

They sometimes mess the groups up and disaster happens
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