Hi I'm John Smith, president of the Latino Homeowner's Association of America and I'm here to convince you to vote for @JoeBiden this November.
You might be thinking, "Shmeckley Joe is a rapist and a racist. He's no better than Trump!" And yeah you're right, but you're also kinda wrong.
Sure Tara Reade was assaulted, but was it legitimate sexual assault? Possibly.
He's a lot like you and me. Intelligent, nihilistic, with a wicked sense of humor. He's the hero us incels need right now.
Today he stated that blacks who voted for Trump "ain't black". He's technically not wrong since race IS a social construct. Joseph Biden Jr. is what we call in the think-tank a "political geo-mancer".
I'll return to this thread later. I'm a little too high on lithium right now.
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