Some democrats just heard about the 10th Amendment for the very first time and it shows.
Hi Heath. You might want to reread that *First* Amendment, which *clearly* delegates freedom of religion to *all* US citizens and is in fact *in* the Bill of Rights, which is *in* the Constitution if you’re wondering what the Bill of Rights is.
Just saying, if you don’t actually know what the first Nine Amendments say, then you probably don’t properly understand the 10th.
Holy moly this trend is hilarious. Americans civics education is clearly in the toilet.

Little thing called the *First Amendment*, Clara.
LOL sburb really thought she burned us there but you know what comes right *before* the 2nd Amendment? The First. Which grants Americans freedom to practice religion AND the right to peaceably assemble. OH OOPS. Guess maybe they should read a few amendments themselves.
“Ya doy, unless freedom of religion & assembly are specifically referenced in the Constitution WHICH I’M PRETTY SURE THEY AREN’T, then by the 10th Amendment, Trump can’t do this! BOOM ROASTED!” - Yamiche, a constitutional scholar with no knowledge of 1-9
I have decided to use this pathetic trend to quiz my children on their constitutional understanding and critical thinking.

Home school is now in session.
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