There are various brands on Biblical Theology being perpetuated right now that look way more like Jungian Psychology than Biblical Theology, and I suspect most of us are blind to it.

There's a brand of Biblical Theology that views Scripture and the world through the lens of the Ruler. Essentially it says that the job of the Christian is to be the freedom fighter and to make the world a more prosperous place.
There's a brand of Biblical Theology that views Scripture and the world through the lens of the Caregiver. Essentially it says that the job of the Christian is to be the caretakers of the world.
There's a brand that views Biblical Theology through the lens of the Child. Essentially it says we're all weak children, and our job is to cower in the corner during this age.
There's a brand that views Biblical Theology through the lens of the Sage. Essentially, it's concerned with ascertaining and disseminating knowledge during this age and arguing with anyone who disagrees.
It's my contention that all of these are incomplete and actually don't produce any real virtue. It just produces totalitarian right-wingers, socialistic left-wingers, cowards, and book clubs.
Christ is the true archetype, and we must view the Scriptures and the world through a Christocentric lens. When we do this, we recover a balanced Biblical Theology and recover our identity.
We realize we aren't freedom fighters seeking to establish totalitarianism or socialism; we're a nation of Priests (1 Pet. 2:9) who voluntarily steward the Kingdom of God out of gratitude to God and love for neighbor.
We aren't children that cower while the dragon gets the gold and the girl; we're Kings of the Most High (Rev. 1:6), chosen in Him before the foundations of the world who are more than conquerors in Him who loved us, who are called to wage war against the powers of darkness.
We aren't a book club; we are the Prophetic voice of God who shares his mysteries, knowledge, and truths in love, gentleness, and respect (1 Cor. 13:1-2; 1 Pet. 2:15).

Don't fall for the counterfeits.
Everything I've ever learned from @paulcmaxwell @jordanbpeterson @MrBully67 @CSLewis @JBJ_BHMaster @adversarialinks all rolled into one thread.
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