The government may wish to think very VERY hard if it really wants to have “sources” briefing claiming it was actually within the rules for Cummings to do what he did, given this.
Even in the extreme and unbelievable scenario where the “gov source” is saying someone had to travel 250 miles to help Cummings look after his child, it is beyond all sanity that the person *WITH CORONAVIRUS* makes that journey. That’s clearly not the rules.
The choice facing the government is they allow it to be briefed that someone with Coronavirus travelling across the country wasn’t a lockdown breach, or they ditch Cummings.
Grandparents haven’t met newborns. People haven’t met dying relatives. The anger on this will be very, very real and well beyond the usual quarters. The government is deluded if it doesn’t see that already.
This is stark staring bonkers, politically stupid, and will do real damage to lockdown until it’s reversed. If the rules don’t apply to Number 10, people really will cease to follow them.
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