Ok if it's one thing about Caribbean people, we love a good election. We are in tune with world events and so the USA elections is no exception. This one affects us more than others to be honest
So i'm talking as PURELY an observer and amateur but one thing i can say is that Republicans play to WIN. They simply DO NOT CARE. Whoever, the leader is, they fall in line and PUSH . It is harmful? sure. is it effective? yes
One only has to look on Lindsay Graham who OUTRIGHT called Trump a racist, xenophobic, lunatic (or whatever) and is not one of his LARGEST and LOudest supporters
SEVERAL ppl in his cabinet, press secretaries etc are ON RECORD saying he is the scourge of the earth. However, once it became obvious that THIS IS THE PERSON America wanted to win. THEY FELL IN LINE
Are they mortified? Absolutely but they want to win more than they care about tearing him apart and THAT is why Trump will win 2020.
Republicans play to win. People were mortified about him and they STILL voted. Democrats are out here encouraging each other to hold their vote at a time when it is so detrimental.
These celebrities and pundits had 3 odd years to be EXTREMELY vocal about their displeasure in the party and decided to use THIS ELECTION to prove a point.
These are my opinions we can all respectfully disagree but as it stands Trump 2020 is clear
You guys have a president who is on tape saying he grabs ladies by the who ha! LOL The game has CHANGED
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