Thanks for such a good question, Joanne.

Since you're an unwitting victim of Trump Populism (you know... MAGA! And WWG1WGA! And stuff), I feel I should explain.

Please, pull up a chair.

It's quite the oxymoron isn't it, Joanne?

Donald Trump rose to power by telling America that the evil globalists, the Chinese, and the illegals were all out to get them.

The Deep State was spearheading the whole thing!!, with the help of Hollywood and the elites of course!

You see, the common man, the normal American, he needs a voice!

Donald Trump speaks to the "normal" American. We just suffered through 8 YEARS of the Kenyan Muslim overlord, groomed by the deep state globalist elites, and well.. come on.

Only Donald Trump can fix that!

I don't know about you, Joanne, but I don't want the Muslims and the illegals and the deep state globalists to take over.

I want Christmas back! All Lives Matter Joanne, especially yours, Joe coal-miner.

And TOGETHER... And this is an important part..

TOGETHER!!! ... by electing me, Donald Trump, the outsider!!... Well Joanne, I will fix it all by myself, and only I can do it! TOGETHER with you.

Together Joanne, I will take down the deep state globalist elites and save Christmas for you, Joanne, the normal American. And those dirty illegals and Muslims and Hollywood, and China, together, I will kick their ass.

Merry Christmas, Joanne, Merry Christmas!

Joanne, I will conclude by leaving you with this.

Merry Christmas, from your President...

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