We need to stop teaching toxic masculinity to young boys because I just watched my husband beat himself up because he's too sore to work on the deck and he's blaming himself cause he can't "tough it out" or "toughen up" to work on it today. 1/2
Instead of being able to admit that he's human & he can take a break & that the world will not end if we have to wait another day to finish the project. But that would be weakness and society doesn't tolerate men who admit they are the least bit human & tire like all humans. 2/2
I'm so upset cause I can see that he just wants to take a break and rest for the day but I can also see how much he's beating himself up internally for his "weakness".

Ugh I just... Please stop teaching young boys that admitting you need a break or to stop is weakness... Please
Me: okay I know you are upset that we can't work because of your hand. What if I did all the drilling and you just supported?
Hubby: *thinks*
H: *flexes hand clearly still in pain* okay time to toughen up and stop being a wimp
M: that's not what I proposed at all...
In the end I did end up doing most of the drilling but that was after his hand kept giving out because he was in pain.

So yeah let's get rid of this idea that a man in pain is weak or needs to just "toughen up/tough it out". I'm so freaking sick of that mentality.
Another conversation while working:

Me: u know I *can* do this
Him: but do you want to?
M: I want you not to be in pain and I want to help and I am not a delicate wallflower that can't do manual labor and you know that so let me
H: *looks at me*
H: *hands me the power tools*
And if you are going to come here an comment on how you think this is stupid, or my husband is stupid for thinking like this then please GTFO. Society is getting better but we still have generations of men that were raised on this mentality that showing pain/emotions is weakness.
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