Just something everyone should know about me...
So, as in my bio, I am Christian and gay. While I am still slightly on the fence about what qualifies as right/wrong, I currently am okay with saying "I'm Christian" and "I'm gay". I currently just plan to remain celibate unless I find a Biblical reason to not.
HOWEVER, I believe this @taylorswift13 quote is actually very true in a Biblical sense.

"Shade never made anybody less gay"

Meaning, being hateful, condemning, or even saying "you're wrong/sinning" NEVER makes an LGBT person want to find Jesus.
For a long time, I hated Christians SO much, because I never met a Christian who wouldn't speak very bluntly against LGBT people.

I didn't get saved because someone told me I was wrong or sinning, or that I NEEDED to be saved because being homosexual was a sin.
I got saved because of a Christian friend who said,

"Whether homosexuality can still be considered a damning sin, it doesn't matter. The Bible says NO sin can ever separate you from Christ. We sin everyday, and will so forever. But if your heart is for Christ, you're saved.
"God made you, and Jesus died for you. All you need to do to be saved is say 'yes' to Christ. You are loved and have a purpose, a plan for your life. If you say no to Jesus, it doesn't matter if you lie once or murder someone; you still will face eternal separation from God.
"But accept him, and no sin you can ever commit, as long as your heart is right, will send you to hell."

When you are saved, you get the gift of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and guides you down the right path in life. Part of this gift is Conviction.
Conviction is a moral compass. Life is far to complex to understand consciously, but the Holy Spirit's Convictions guide you to what is OK or not.

If someone feels convicted about listening to a certain song, they shouldn't listen to. If not, then it's OK for them.
Homosexuality is the same. I believe if you are saved and feel conviction about acting on it, than that is the Holy Spirit telling you to not. If you don't, than maybe that is OK.
But really, negativety NEVER brings people to Christ. It hurts them and drives them away. If you believe "God Hates Fags", then instead of saying so, befriend a "fag" and show them the light. Love them for who they are, tell them about God's love.
But shade never made anyone less gay.

Remember thatđź’ś
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