Can i share a message with y’all? Ok cool...those of y’all dealing with a love interest that broke your heart giving time and energy to other ppl and things that wasn’t towards you it was towards themselves. Listen some times we run away from things that challenge us because
we think we’re getting what we need/deserve because it’s the same toxic energy we give off..your person could have ran to someone who didn’t require much from them made it seem like they were on the same page and then tried to change the vibes when they felt they had them secure
...all the while your person had to see that in order to change...this is really just seeing and knowing the grass isn’t greener on the other side just because it glows from a far. As they return it’s not because things didn’t work out and you’re the fallback guy.
They’re returning because as true colors were shown they realized what they had all along they see the beauty in what they had with you and how THAT was always for their greater good and that the wool had been pulled over their eyes. The blessing for you is that you didn’t have
to be the person they found that out with because once we grow out of a shoe size our foot never comfortably goes back get to be the person they get better for you’re the person who they use this new found wisdom with. Now they can treat you as you deserve because they
learned their lesson when you were no where in sight know that your absence was for the greater good and when they return they’ll express how you leaving for good made them see the light “i choose for the rain ☔️ not to fall exposing the sun 🌞 on you” you stopped crying over
spilled milk and it made them see...i can’t say unions will be coming from this because not everyone is going to be in the space to want that but apologies are coming in they will be heartfelt and wrongs will be made right
(as best as possible because the past has already happened) expect someone to ask for AT LEAST your forgiveness and the ability to be cordial going fwd!! Per usual fuck a typo y’all know wtf I’m saying here
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