haechan deserves so much better, he can sing, dance, rap, write lyrics, play piano, he's an amazing entertainer, he's super funny and caring, he is so pretty inside and out, and he works so so hard but nctzens refuse to see him as more than half of their ship or an ann0ying br*t
and it sucks so hard because even sm don't pay attention to him in the past 4 years, haechan has had maybe no more than 5 solo promotions, despite being in all 3 units. if you compare this to his counterparts who are also in multiple units, it shows clear as day he isnt receiving
not even half the opportunities he deserves, he has consistently had lines taken from him and given to other members n he has consistently been at the back. we thought it would change with chain and kick it but he's right back to where he was in 2017 and it sucks so bad because
haechan deserves the world and nothing less </3 but when we call out this mistreatment no one listens because he's a "favourite" because he's in more than one unit so there's no possible way he can be mistreated? he has worked his ass off day in day out for sm to give him nothing
in return. everything haechan has, he has accumulated through his own hard work and his own love and dedication for what he does, he has been climbing the bg brand ranking so fast and i just know there is a world of opportunity there for him if sm stop hiding him and nctzens stop
brushing him away when it stops being about their fave too erm anyway stan haechan stream his fancams and punch lets get him a win on his birthday !!
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