1. Thread: Slings and arrows
An exploration into Trumps strategy for letting the MSM continually unleash their venom upon him
2. I would like to explore this as a confidence game.

Which is more important in the game of politics: Confidence or competence?
3. Many people might suggest competence is more valuable, however let’s look at this more closely.

Competence does not ensure a person is confident.
Yet confidence gives a person the perception of competence.
Let’s unpack
4. The question to look at is where does competence exist? It is not tangible. You cannot hold it, weigh it or measure it. Competence only exists in the conversations others have about your performance. It is a judgement by others upon your value.
5. The mainstream media still holds the public confidence if only by the thinnest thread. It is because of this public confidence that they are given credence to be arbiters over Trump’s competence.
6. They hold this public confidence not as a result of any true or accurate reporting but by the ingrained habits of the public to trust the news.
7. It’s not about evidence. There is an assumption going around that when evidence comes out people will see the truth.

But as you might know, when you present evidence to friends and family they just refuse to see it. Labelling the most obvious evidence as conspiracy theory.
8. This is why evidence will not cause the awakening, it will support it.
9. It is a confidence game. This is 4D chess. The public confidence must first move over to Team Trump and the patriots before the evidence is fully received and accepted.
10. Placing your confidence in something is to a large part habit. Even if someone were to seriously question the practices of Big Pharma. In times of health crisis they might, through habit, put their trust in the medical doctors and the medicines they dispense, to heal them
11. Habits build confidence in your convictions. The belief in MSM is a habit for a large percentage of the population.
12. Trumps famous coining of ‘Fake News’ was the first significant play in realigning the public perception.

The second was continually talking of winning as a shout out to American pride and ingenuity.
13. The third was that he metaphorically allowed himself To be put in the stocks and as the media and democrats threw their rotten fruit at him, it exposed their vileness and viciousness to the world.
14. As Trump weathered the onslaught while still producing record performance, he created a space for doubt in the public confidence for the MSM which contrasted against their denigration of his competence.
15. Trump knows this is a confidence game. Public confidence must come before public acceptance of critical evidence. Because we all know where evidence delivered before its time goes: The conspiracy theory waste basket.
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