Yesterday I said I wanted to make my favorite yogurt pie. My dad is SO BORED and I knew he was going to steal my idea. And I said “please don’t buy the stuff for it because I want specific pie crust and am looking forward to making it this weekend ”
and (as I expected) my dad snuck out this am and came back with all the [wrong] stuff today and made it INCORRECTLY in front of my face and now I’m forced to eat a mediocre version....Of the pie I’ve been craving and looking forward to making in quarantine.
Am I over reacting because of lack of human interaction? PROBABLY! but you better believe I’m going to go shopping and make my own and let his sit uneaten because mine will be better. IM LOSING MY MIND
This comes mere weeks after I took a bunch of measurements to make a squirrel picnic table and he took my notes and went out and bought stuff and made it himself while I had to work. THIS IS TORTURE.
One like and I will burn the picnic table and destroy his pie.
I truly stormed up to my bedroom like an angsty teenager when he walked in with the pie crust today. I will update as he continues to steal more of my ideas and joy while I live in his house for free and eat his groceries and drink his wine.
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