Everyone is freaking out about the nerfed (aka corrected) spawn rates, the loss of 2 mystery islands (happened a while ago) and saying it's all to get people to buy switch online like... have yall... never played any other AC game or.
Getting bugs and fish in previous titles was definitley harder and we didnt have islands for rare hybrids or that were 100% only rare fish. We had the island in NL you could rig to spawn beetles but? That was it.
You arent supposed to have millions of bells right away, the game ISNT supposed to be an easy 2 months of playing everything paid off you're done sort of thing. The quarantine greatly impacted the game and how people play it
A lot of what nintendo changed wasnt to punish players but balance the game to be more like the speed of previous titles/the beginning of the game??? Why would they think the majority of players would end up playing 200-300+ hours from march to may.
They're rolling out updates slowly. How frustrating must it be to project people to be at X landmark in the game by X date and to plan updates around that but most players finish the months fish/bug goal in like.. 4 days. Then breath down nintendos neck for more content
Even without the frequent updates what... do you think ac games have been like?? What was there to do in WW??? Wake up, water your flowers, talk to people, fish/catch bugs, see what's going on, then hop off. An hour max/day unless you're really into fishing or bug catching.
And the whole "they just want us to buy into the turnip market that requires internet"!!! You do realize the stalk market is a gamble. It's not supposed to be easy you're suppose to watch trends and figure out when to sell on your own island. --
-- you can watch friends and randos numbers to get higher selling prices but you dont have to play it like that??? If you buy turnips at 93bells and sell them for 120 that's still profit. Not big but? That's how stocks are in general.
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