Now let me go into my disinformation in politics and targeting black voters work here and now. I watched the clip. The time was short. Char didn't even flinch when Biden said what he said and followed up.

What I'm watching in these trending hashtags line right up from 2016.
Now what I'm expecting is that black conservatives like Tim Scott, Diamond & Silk and every one on those five campaigns we documented that tell BP not to vote for dems to jump alllll over this. This is their window.

Biden can easily shut it tho. & yup Blk conservatives exist.
More about the inner working of disinfo campaigns that target black voters. It's all centered on black identity. so guess what. saying "you ain't black" nests right in the center of that. so those trending hashtags are not exactly authentic.
As someone that has been tracking disinfo in our community and all the political candidates, I can tell you with great detail what the patterns are and what they will be. Why? because we've done literally nothing about them. They are just sitting there waiting to be reused.
This should be here. But yeah. another "trending" pattern connected to how this all will play out.
Now a few more points before I try to get past this and land on some other things I would LOVE to do today.

Here's the truth. Domestically there were digital voter suppression campaigns that focused on three voting blocks in 2016. One of them was black voters. Russia did too!!
There are 3 presidential campaigns that were either overly targeted by disinfo or participated in using tactics in 2020.
Harris, Biden, Bernie.

We tracked Harris even before she announced. Most of the disinfo had nothing to do w/ her record. It was all centered on her identity.
Quick comparisons. is she black enough was a continuation from the Obama campaign. She's a cop when she was a prosecutor. Funny how no one uses #CopAmy as a campaign hashtag. hmmm.
Bernie's so-called civil rights record when he literally skips Bloody Sunday. Biden did not. Now the one about not being black voting for #AgentOrange45. When Bernie literally told a BW to her face that the reason BP are in jail is that they are drug dealers. But where's his #
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