I hate how entitled fans get with fan projects that have no budget that the creators can't make money off of for obvious reasons
I literally just agreed with someone who was like "hey maybe more Sonic fangames should try doing something with their game beyond just showcasing momentum exists" and someone else replied with something like "HAHA HIRE THIS MAN AM I RIGHT GUYS LOLOLOL"
And like, look, I'm not angry at this person. I get it. It's frustrating and tiring seeing people shit on official products using the supposed superior quality of fangames as a shield.

So if that person sees this thread, you're fine, don't worry about it.
But this isn't just about that one person, people say this stuff all the time, and it's just as tiring. This complete dismissal of what fans are doing out of this assumption that they're just trying to one-up SEGA, and 1/2
2/2 judging them for not having a complete game made in the span of a few months with no budget for obvious reasons.
People have this constant desire to have things DONE, and have it done NOW, and have no respect for the process involved in MAKING those things.
Like damn I don't give a shit if it's done one month from now or ten years from now, I just like that you're making a thing. You're good. I respect you. Not everyone even gets THAT far.
Every time I see a new Sonic fan engine, I get really happy. I don't care if it's the fifth one or the five hundredth one, someone is so passionate about a series that it inspired them to make their own thing. That's awesome!
I don't care if it never gets finished, or it's not up to the quality of a professional product, or whatever. I care that someone went out of their way to make a neat thing. Obviously it's better if it has those things, but even if it doesn't, the fact that they tried is cool.
I will always respect fan creators. And I think more people should have that attitude as well.
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