Most Men Don’t Understand Rape Culture , Here is a Thread of examples of Rape Culture.
1. Blaming the victim (“She asked for it!”)
2. Trivializing sexual assault (“Boys will be boys!”)
3. Sexually explicit jokes (eg The screenshot I have been posting about rape)
4. Tolerance of sexual harassment
5. Inflating false rape report statistics
6. Publicly scrutinizing a victim’s dress, mental state, motives, and history
7. Gratuitous gendered violence in movies and television
8. Defining “manhood” as dominant and sexually aggressive
9. Defining “womanhood” as submissive and sexually passive
10. Pressure on men to “score”
11. Pressure on women to not appear “cold”
12. Assuming only promiscuous women get raped
13. Assuming that men don’t get raped or that only “weak” men get raped
14. Refusing to take rape accusations seriously
15 . Teaching women to avoid getting raped instead of teaching men not to rape
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