I don’t owe the United States shit especially considering how hard they try to erase Black American culture I am NOT saving this country from an inevitable fate.
The problem isn’t Black people its White American Culture. The sooner yall understand that white Americans for the most part have no stake in this country or ensuring that its successful the less inclined yall will be to chastise descendants of stolen people.
Here’s an example of how White America views this country. My last job.
Now I worked for a MAJOR silicon valley based tech CONGLOMERATE for the last 4 years up until I was forced to quit this past Feb due to racial discrimination (this is important)
In the tech world, its common for roles to be classified based on numbers or levels as opposed to “entry or associate” like in traditional corporate settings. Level 1’s and 2’s are considered entry level. Level’s 3 and 4 are associate (jr level) and L5’s are seniors or directors.
Now when I started, I was fresh outta college with a degree, Level 1’s we’re required to have degrees I was never advised to apply for a level 2 or 3 role despite my credentials mainly because most of those roles weren’t in Chicago when I applied.
So long story short once you got into the company you couldn’t “skip levels” no matter how competent you were you were FORCED to stay in a role for 12 months and if you wanted a promotion at the end of that cycle you had to apply (until more yt folks started getting hired)
So basically my entry level training class was full of Black folks from all different backgrounds. We would make suggestions about support procedures and always call out when we believed that we were issuing too many refunds.
Our trainer, a “white man” told us verbatim “why do you all care so much about the validity of these claims just issue the refunds, its not your money.”
When we worked overtime to protect business operations the Yt boys were getting drunk off the beer on tap and pissing off the roof tops of our downtown location while the level 1’s were fired for not clocking in correctly or being away from our desks for longer than 10 mins
Now here’s the kicker, these yt boys would walk in after being told to apply for the level 3 and 4 roles with LESS qualifications than many of us in Level 1 and Level 2 roles and WE would be forced to train THEM up to speed (this is pretty common in corporate America)
Wanna know what happened to many of those level 1 and 2 roles the yt guy told us we were being too “concerned about” in 2016 majority of them were either sent over seas or were completely eliminated why....

Because the company lost a shit ton of money in 2018/2019 🤦🏾‍♀️
The level 3’s and 4’s who were so “Liberal” about not checking for fraud not collecting invoices from customers leading to 1.3 MILLION dollars in uncollected invoices still very much so have their jobs.
The majority of the 30 percent of the Black work force that couldn’t get promoted out of Level 1 and 2 roles regardless of their credentials, lost their jobs last month and will continue to because we are not valued in Corporate American work spaces.
Our brilliance is seen as a hinderance. Black folks always gotta work our way to the top. We can’t never just be trusted despite how hard we work and how excellent we are. We are always an afterthought in the psyche of White America
But when White America shits all over itself they calling us from the back of the bus to labor on their behalf and clean up shit for pennies in return. Im not the fucking help.
So in-conclusion. Im tired of Black Americans feeling more compelled to save this country than the White folks hell bent on destroying it. If someone can point out the incentive of us doing that then perhaps i’ll listen.
But im to the point that no matter where I live on this planet im still a Black American and I can take my history and my brilliance to another part of this globe to people who are open to collaborate with me. I do not have to be abused in the United States and I wont be.
This is literally my last election cycle if Joe Biden loses. I may not ever come back to the US to live permanently. I’ll be sponsoring my family to come where ever I go but im truly over it.
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