We're doing safety shoutouts this Friday? Sweet, I'll start with the coziest protectors I've had the pleasure to tell stories at the table. When I say "player" in this thread, I'm referring to both facilitators & players bc the table hold equal responsibility for safety.
@SirenaBesos & @katyfaise are cut from the same cloth of pure kindness & creative brilliance. They spend time actively listening to players and constantly checking in on us, making sure the narrative is something we're all vibing with. I love them both dearly!
I will fall on a sword for @WisePapaGrant, after taking out as many enemies as I can, bc Grant is the real deal. They take a holistic approach to understanding the who/what/when/where/how's of the table and often notice more than you notice yourself.
Grant has repeatedly proven to me that they're a person that can keep a story flowing while juggling the spotlight and navigating the waters to keep the players comfortable to explore. Much love, very wow! <3
@ColinItLikeISee is a queerly beloved that is a safe, cozy, and fun person to play games with. They're a perfect example of being conscientious of your privileges and putting forth effort to open communication both ways so that the story continues to pivot in the right direction.
@LuchaLibris has a powerful aura of empathy that brings a level of safety to the table which makes me strive for an evocative tale! I've only played briefly with him, but easily he's my top-tier.
@poisonkaivee & @media_junkie are stupendous storytellers that employ a great balance of explicit & implicit safety tools, as well as prioritizing active inclusion in their spaces. I always want more time at the tables with them both!!
@HansCTweets, @gnomedic, & @unMadeGaming are brilliants beans that are always learning & open to change, and in turn I've learned a lot from playing with them. I miss playing with y'all, it's such a treat!
I'll be honest, it's hard for me to find masc-presenting ppl that I feel 100% comfortable at the table, but I really value these beans. They don't let their following cloud their judgments, they're humble, but oh so BRILLIANT!
My line for feeling safe at a table is strict bc I gauge it on how easily I can express...everything. Am I okay with reaching out to them when I feel hurt? Can I wax poetic about the amazing moments w/o fearing someone is left out? Can I talk about how my comfort has shifted?
And it's a resounding YES in every instance with the above list of people. These are by far not the only players I'm comfortable with, but they are the ones I will vouch for wholeheartedly bc they've proven time & time again that they are safe & uplifting.
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