🧠The Mind & Self 🙋‍♂️

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Awareness is the single greatest skill you can cultivate. It's the only way to understand yourself and experience reality. https://twitter.com/SP1NS1R/status/1263593405105311745
You are not your thoughts, feelings, or desires. Identify, observe, and disassociate.
Fear and ignorance are the source of all your anxiety.
You only change when you're ready. https://twitter.com/SP1NS1R/status/1249232917844246529
Learning from others is no replacement for introspection. Each person and set of experiences are unique. You alone can investigate and understand your problems and capabilities. https://twitter.com/SP1NS1R/status/1263613040131530755
Focus on you. You can only be aware of your own thoughts and emotions, actions and reactions. Everything else is noise. https://twitter.com/SP1NS1R/status/1263874337116807169
Milestones and comparisons yield dissatisfaction. Focus on self-actualization. Manifest your potential.
You conflate your experience for reality. You have experienced and understand next to nothing. And even that is tainted by your ego's interpretation. This realization leads to humility and a hunger for truth. https://twitter.com/SP1NS1R/status/1263628139864797184
Language is rife with connotations and generalizations. Using it to understand reality is like using a picture to see a landscape. There is no substitute for unfiltered experience.
Everything is fleeting. Time is working against you. Your state of being is impermanent. https://twitter.com/SP1NS1R/status/1263874839175036928
Your mere existence is a blessing. If you are grateful to be alive, you'll be less affected by the ebbs and flows. https://twitter.com/SP1NS1R/status/1263635691793088512
Bliss is pure presence. https://twitter.com/SP1NS1R/status/1263643239086612481
The mind is everything and nothing.
Shoutout to the thinkers who shaped this thread...

@KapilGuptaMD Anthony de Mello @RyanHoliday @jimmpierce Thich Nhat Hanh @naval @Kpaxs @orangebook_ @jposhaughnessy @awareness_being Viktor Frankl
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