*THREAD* For awhile now we have seen many adults bullying other adults but going as far as ton tweet offensive tweets regarding children.
Children are innocent, they can’t always defend themselves and the tweets that have been made have crossed the line.
Online abuse can come across many platforms. Text messages, online gaming, social media, online chats, or even email. The type of bullying that we are seeing is cyber bullying or online bullying. This can follow a child or even adult wherever they go and they may feel as though
they don’t have a safe place to go. Sometimes the stress of dealing with cyberbullying can cause kids to feel like the situation is more than they can handle. Quoted from http://verywellfamily.com  “Typically, this is because the bully can invade their home through a computer or
cell phone at any time of day. They no longer have a place where they can escape. To a victim, it feels like bullying is everywhere. Feel Exposed and Humiliated: Because cyberbullying occurs in cyberspace, online bullying feels permanent. Kids know that once something is out
there, it will always be out there.” “The sheer volume of people that know about the bullying can lead to intense feelings of humiliation.”
"Being bullied has also been associated with symptoms of mental ill-health (such as depression) that are long-lasting. Furthermore,
groundbreaking longitudinal study has recently shown that bullying can have damaging effects that can last into adulthood." - The Children's Society. Bullies who learn they can get away with aggression and violence sometimes carry this behaviour into adulthood.
On social media we are seeing many adults criticize children, if they think this behaviour is acceptable then their children will think it’s okay. Children follow their parents guidance and the behaviour we have been seeing lately is completely inappropriate. Please remember
that when it comes to children all of them need to be off limits. They are innocent, they need to be protected and need to end this behaviour.
You can follow @KatesRangers.
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