1. Thanks to all the twitter family for the support these past weeks and months.
2. I don’t want to be on TV, or radio so thanks for the offers but I don’t trust the media (any wonder???) and don’t want to be used as a pawn in another man’s fight.
3. I love my school & all who
I serve within her community.
4. We should NOT be sending kids back to school before September - if you want my view on it, and even then, only when we know the safest way to facilitate this.
5. Schools have been OPEN not CLOSED for months.
6. Teachers should be uniting now
And saying to the nation that WE ARE NOT LAZY! We are professional and highly trained, don’t keep mugging us off with half cocked information and ridiculous instructions.
Give us an alternative way to judge schools based on that we give to children, NOT WHAT THEY PRODUCE IN HIGH STAKES TESTS.
8. We are all working through our holidays - PAY US OR SHUSH, we are not LAZY! We are working and not being paid holiday pay - in essence working for 80% pay
9. If we don’t unite now, we never will. I looked after my staff BEFORE the government produced safety advice because I CARE! I don’t need a union to tell my staff not to work with me - THEY KNOW I WILL GO ALL OUT FOR THEM ANYWAY!
10. Have a great weekend - I don’t want an ulcer
So have asked my daughter to police my social media in a strange reversal of mental health protection strategies in our lockdown home. I will@instead continue this weekend (bank holiday in half term when I am not paid and not lazy) to read and enjoy school reports of our children
You can follow @HappyHead74.
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