now to the xunqis who been indirecting me and my friends for simply being mad that people only see him as a sexuality do you still have something to say? are you really okay with someone using your own idol for nothing but clout?
we have absolutely NO problem with the gay word, but people who dont fuckin tweet about him, dont praise him, dont respect him, dont stan him, coming and doing this? and stop saying were okay with het tweets, because we are not. STOP SEXUALIZING THE BOY.
stop thinking he is a public figure for you to imagine him with a man or woman. stop thinking him being a public figure gives everyone the right to discuss his freakin private life. stop thinking that us being mad at people seeing him as NOTHING but a sexuality means we hate
the community, or have a problem if he turns out to be gay. we clean his search name from everything because de want it to be about his ACTIVITIES as an artist. it isn’t even about assuming, its okay to think he is gay or dating your female bias, even tho i dont see
why you care this much. but talking about nothing but those things to the point its on his search tab 24/7 IS wrong and if you think its okay then sorry to break it for you but you dont care about him.
i never said its wrong for him to be this or that, he does whatever he wants with his life, and even fans who ship him in a respectful limit are not wrong, even tho i disagree with such acts. but here the problem is those who ONLY talk about sexaulity.
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