EKG rhythms read by a bone guy, a thread:
Safe Squiggles (NSR)
- Aw yeeee
- Pumpy boi doin good
- Don't tell me it's a false flag shut up nerd
Speedy Squiggles (ST)
- Coffee
- Or you got pimped in front of the entire department
- Cocaine?
- DM me pls
Lazy Squiggles (SB)
- I get it you do crossfit
- Stop showing off
- Wait why are you so cold
Sketchy Squiggles (WAP)
- I think some node is being an asshole?
- SA? AV?
- Femur. Final answer.
- Haha The WAPing Willow.
BASED Saw Squiggles (Aflutter)
- I like this one cause it is a saw
- What do you mean it's bad
- Saws can't be bad
Confusion Squiggles (AFib)
- Bro I have no idea what's going on rn
- This came from the saw?
- So it's just smol saw
- No problem
Danger Squiggles (SVT)
- Wait
- No
- Are there drugs for this
- Page medicine
Edgy Squiggles (1st Degree)
- Seems like doin a concern but prolly not
- Really just wants attention
- Visits some questionable internet pages
Zombie Squiggles (2nd Type 1)
- I ’member this one cause it just dies for some reason and then comes back
- You ever see a zombie movie and their clothes are destroyed the second they turn
- It's like, bro you just died wtf
Irrelevant Squiggles (2nd Type 2)
- Literally no one cares about this one
- So there's probably like 80 UWorld questions on it
- Never as cool as his brother
Annoying Squiggles (3rd Degree)
- You ever go out with your SO and you ask where they wanna eat and they go “idk u pick”
- So you suggest something and they're like “no not that something else”
- This is that
- I s2g if you don't pick we are going to IHOP again
Free Squiggles (JER)
- Escaped the Matrix
- Just wants to do his own thing
- Doing it in a bad place
- What are you running from bro
- Call mom she misses you
Failure Squiggles (Pacemaker Capture)
- Trying his best
- Keeps screwing up
- Everyone lets him know
- It's like Pokemon Snap when you have to try and get a photo of Mew and he keeps ducking you like an asshole so you restart the level 100 times
- No I will not calm down
Violent Squiggles (VT)
- Calm tf down
- Looks like a buncha angry ghosts
- Absolutely here to mess your shit up
- Bro can we just talk about this
Abomination Squiggles (VFib)
- What is this new devilry
- Heart Balrog
- Rhythm of the ancient world
The Final Squiggles (Asystole)
- Shit
- Oh shit
- I... aw shit man
- Shit shit shit shit
Homicidal Squiggles (Torsades)
- Bro what the fuck happened to Steve
- He took HOW MUCH Hydroxychloroquine?
- We can fix this
- We can't fix this
- We gotta leave now bro
Chill Squiggles (Sinus Arrhythmia)
- Almost as cool as the Safe Squigs
- Ultra Dad (attending) says I can still hit bones w/ dis and that the haters can suck a lemon
- It happens when you breathe???
- Obv AF in smol humans
- Can stil hit them
- Their bones I mean
- Don't hit kids
Bitch Squiggles (SA Block)
- Different degrees but all super lame
- Wanted to be an AV Block real bad
- Never reached his dreams
- Takes it out on a everyone else
- EKG version of that bully who peaked in high school and constantly shares memories on FB about the”good ol’ days”.
Sad Squiggles (SA Arrest)
- Probs happened after u broke up w/ ur 1st bf/gf and you didn't notice
- I sat in the dark listening to Hillary Duff for 3 days bro
Impatient Squiggles (IVR)
- SA was sleeping
- Ventricle ain't got time for that
- Ventricle got shit to do
- Look at me
- Ventricle is the captain now
INCREDIBLY Impatient Squiggles (AIVR)
- Just IVR
- If you warm up Lazy Squiggles this happens
- Or they got really into meth for some reason
- Authorities have been notified
Paranoid Squiggles (WPW)
- Bro I saw this like one time and ever since I keep thinking I see it in literally every EKG on planet
- It haunts me in the dead of night
- I long for the eternal rest of death simply to release myself from this curse
- Go ahead demons
- Bring me home
Ok I'm done I think. Thank you all for going on this journey with me. ('・ω・')
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