HAECHAN constantly gets pushed to the back in group performances bc sm is literally SCAREDDD of his power. he outshines everyone and steals the spotlight, the influx of haechan solo stans is not a coincidence, people are now just realising his potential and how good he really is.
the cherry bomb position irks me so much bc ITS ALWAYS been the same, i know he went on hiatus during the tour so they had to switch things up however, that shouldn’t solely affect haechans position because he wasn’t there, it would affect the other members BUT not his.
they could’ve just placed him back in his usual spot but instead they’re literally just making it harder for him to adapt to the change bc of how he’s constantly learning new choreos and jumping back and forth between units.
NOT TO MENTION, his lines being taken off him. i can safely say that NO ONE does it like haechan. the way he sings certain lines can’t be replaced by another member bc they dont have the unique vocal colour like he does. thats why hyuckzens got so mad last year when they made jh+
sing them, and for valid reason. no one is like haechan, he’s on a completely different level and the sooner sm realises that and utilises his potential, the more successful he will be.
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